Things you need to know about Varicose veins
The treatment is now better than ever! We do it in an out-patient setting under local anesthesia, and there are no incisions required. Click on this video to know more about it and Stay tuned at #VenoCareDubai for more FAQs. Varicose Veins Symptoms: Leg Pain and Foot Pain: Varicose veins pain is not located in any particular area, it is rather a vague ache all over the leg, lower leg, and foot. It increases as the day goes by especially on prolonged standing. Swelling near the ankles: Is a frequent symptom of varicose veins almost always with a measurable difference between the two sides. In advanced conditions, the swelling creates a pit in the skin when the skin is pressed with a finger - Pitting Edema-. Skin symptoms: Itching, Skin Color Changes, Spider Veins , Thread Veins, and different sizes of dilated tortuous veins: Are variable in intensity, generally they remain and continue in increasing once see. In Pregnancy, the veins disappear after delivery but the condition rem...