Diabetic Foot and Wound Care Clinic

Diabetic + Foot Problem? Diabetic for many years? Wounds must be taken very seriously in diabetics suffering of foot ulcers . Foot ulcer more likely leads to an amputation if neglected. In addition to totally disrupting your quality of life, losing a foot has other serious consequences on any person. OUR SERVICES - Assessment of perfussion by non invasive lab - Clinical assessment of foot vascularity - Foot Pressure Mapping - Wound Vac Dressing - Regular wound dressing and debridement - Restoration of blood flow - Interdesciplinary assessment of non-healing wound Get Assessed by our team of Vascular Surgeons. Get The Proper Management Now HAVING DIABETES INCREASES THE RISK OF DEVELOPING A WIDE RANGE OF FOOT PROBLEMS MOST IMPORTANTLY ULCERS AND WOUNDS People living with diabetes are prone to develop foot problems, because of two complications of diabetes: nerve damage (neuropathy) and poor circulation. Neuropathy causes loss of feeling in your feet, taking away your ability ...